Monday, December 12, 2011

VLSI Design

Most of the students of Electronics Engineering are exposed to Integrated Circuits (IC's) at a very basic level, involving SSI (small scale integration) circuits like logic gates or MSI (medium scale integration) circuits like multiplexers, parity encoders etc. But there is a lot bigger world out there involving miniaturisation at levels so great, that a micrometer and a microsecond are literally considered huge! This is the world of VLSI - Very Large Scale Integration. The article aims at trying to introduce Electronics Engineering students to the possibilities and the work involved in this field.

What is VLSI?

VLSI stands for "Very Large Scale Integration". This is the field which involves packing more and more logic devices into smaller and smaller areas.Thanks to VLSI, circuits that would have taken boardfuls of space can now be put into a small space few millimeters across! This has opened up a big opportunity to do things that were not possible before. VLSI circuits are everywhere ... your computer, your car, your brand new state-of-the-art digital camera, the cell-phones, and what have you. All this involves a lot of expertise on many fronts within the same field, which we will look at in later sections.

VLSI Design is also growing at an exponential rate as there are over 130 chip design firms present in India and the vast pool of talent and growing domestic market has helped the country to emerge as an important center for chip design. Hence the widening gap between demand and supply of skilled professionals for embedded systems and very large-scale integration (VLSI) design reinforces the need for industry-specific training to aspirants in this field.

CETPA Infotech is the only Training centre in Northern India who offers various Advanced VLSI Design and Verification courses for the fresh and experienced engineers, and got an experience team of professional under the leadership of Mr. Vikas Kalra one the prominent & famous VLSI Trainer in Delhi NCR

To know more about VLSI Design (VHDL) & online registration click here

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